Changes by David Bowie
Well I don't think such a monumental event can occur for a second time without being duly noted. I am not talking about the earthquake that was allegedly felt in the Greater Toronto Area...I say allegedly because I never felt it (although I was stunned by a blow to the head at the time :) any case, back to life-changing event.
The last wee fledgling is leaving the nest. I knew this day was coming, I encouraged it's arrival and felt very prepared with its' occurrence. The funny thing is that there was a time when I dreaded the day(s) that they would leave. Besides the obvious blow to the age-denial aspect, it gives pause to the notion that they no longer need you. But it happened so gradually that there was time to adjust.
The boy really left home just after his 18th birthday. He didn't move across town or even to a nearby city...he moved halfway across the country. Okay to be fair, he went away to Halifax, Nova Scotia to attend university. Initially I can't say I was too thrilled with the decision but the reality is that he was doing exactly what I always hoped he would. He was being mature and responsible and making decisions for himself that he hoped would be best for his future. For my own selfish reasons, I would have preferred him to be closer...less than a 24 hour drive at! But it really worked out for the best. He was hugely successful in school, got an amazing job right after graduating, made some life-long friendships and nurtured some with old friends. And while he put me in the proverbial "poor house", his absence allowed his sister and I to spend some quality time cultivating our relationship and she began to shine brightly and came out from the shadow cast by her brothers strong personality. Win-win-win! In all honesty, I figured he would probably end up back home for awhile after graduation...but wow I barely got used to his mess around the house and he was gone. It was a good move for him and he still pops by and surprises me with his visits. I love surprise visitors :)
But like I say, just 3 months later and I am sending off the girl to face the world without me. But she won't be alone and she won't be far. She is moving to another job in a place where there is a public transit system to accommodate her reluctance to drive. But that is just the excuse she is using...she is moving in with her boyfriend :) She goes with my blessing and full-approval. He is an awesome person. And maybe if she ever gets her license, maybe I will be able to look forward to her popping in too!
I can't say I won't and don't miss them both but that is the price we pay as parents. We have invested 20+ years in these beautiful creations of ours. It was our job and we were committed 24/7. But as proof of our successful endeavour, we can send off into the world well-adjusted, successful, moral, caring, compassionate, conscientious individuals to conquer and leave their own mark on the world. I have left mine and I can look back upon it with pride. I done good! :)
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