Sunday, August 28, 2011

Something tells me you are here with me :) PART 3

When I Look to The Sky - Train

Well, that was some interesting read eh?

I'm not going to try and convince you that you should believe. I'm just saying it happened to me and I believe. The thing is, I don't think a kid can make that kind of stuff up. It was a different time. Television programming, media, books and anything else that children were exposed was restricted compared to today. Although I kept diaries most of my life none of the experiences I shared with you were ever recorded. They were forgotten/repressed until a trigger was experienced that caused the memory to flood back in detail that astounds even me. I might be off of the ages a bit but being as my childhood memories are all divided between life with Mom and all my siblings and after my Mom and sisters died (12 years old +) We are at the very least talking about a prepubescent child.

Of course now, I am very open to the possibility and reality that ghosts and spirits are among us. I have lived enough, read enough and learned enough that I have made up my own mind. I have had other experiences in my adult years that keep my faith alive but never anything as vivid or "real" as what I have already shared. I also think that youngsters are much more open to have such experiences because their minds have not been tainted by the naysayers and the freedom associated with being a child allows us to be open and accept what we hear and feel without question. And yes, I will admit that part of my belief today stems from the fact that I experienced so much personal loss as a young person that I had to believe in something in order to accept without going completely off the deep end or wallowing in self-pity.

Today, I take great comfort in knowing that I am not alone, that I have a small army of guardian angels protecting me and my children. I have not been convinced on the reality of spirits being photographed as ghostly orbs in photographs but I am open to the possibility. I simply offer up this photographs for you to ponder. Personally I think it unusual that of all the pictures taken that night, only this one has "orbs" and interestingly there are 3 of them on each of us....I'm just saying...

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