Canada Day Up Canada Way - Stompin' Tom Connors
Canada is 146 years young. Think about's nothing! People have lived nearly that long. But we have an awful lot to be proud of in this great land. We are a smart, funny, polite nation. Lovers not fighters, I am proud to say that on a world stage our army is a joke. Preserve life and make it better not storm in and take it from others. But that philosophy is only relevant for war. Dying with dignity and abortion are both rights I believe we should have. Sidebar: abortions have been available for a very long time. Like anything illegal or band, where there is a will there is a way. Make it safe and make it a choice. Given the information, people will often make the choice that is right for themselves. Back to the pride of Canada. Consider these:

Marvels of the Canadian imagination:

Marvels of the Canadian imagination:
- zipper - or all pants would be elastic waist
- wonderbra - every girl loves this support
- insulin - keeping diabetics kicking
- standard time - so we know how late the trains are
- ski-doo - because you can't walk in waist deep snow
- basketball - we invented it but don't play it so well ;)
- explosive vapour detector - canaries worldwide are grateful
- paint roller - spreading beauty one stroke at a time
- Robertson Screw - have you ever striped a star screw, slipped with a slot? I'll never understand why they are still sold. Trust me...try it!
- retractable beer case handles - cuz we drink and like our 2-4's they are big enough to accomodate winter mitts
- SCTV - from 1976 to 1983, this little TV show launched the careers of Eugene Levy, John Candy, Catherine O'Hara, Dave Thomas, Rick Moranis and Martin Short who all performed, created characters and wrote skits for the show
- John Candy - SCTV, SNL, Uncle Buck, Planes Trains and Automobiles
- Dan Aykroyd - SCTV, SNL, Blues Brothers, Trading Places
- Seth Rogen - 40 Year Old Virgin, Pineapple Express, Knocked Up
- This Hour Has 22 Minutes and The Kids In the Hall - ensemble TV cast
- Lorne Michaels - stand up, writer for Laugh-In, producer Saturday Night Live
- Jim Carrey - rubber faced man starring in Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Ace Ventura
- Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas - SCTV, Bob and Doug McKenzie (not the Wendy's burger chain founder)
- Mike Myers - SCTV, SNL, Wayne's World, Austin Powers, Shrek
- Leslie Nielsen - understated, subtle comedy that when it hits you you guffaw. Real knee slappers...Airplane, Police Squad, Naked Gun
Medical Marvels:
- Pablum - original developed as a prevention and treatment of rickets in children
- T-cell receptor genes - the understanding of T-cells will help in the development of drugs to combat infection, cancer, and transpant rejection
- Cobalt Bomb - allowing deep tissue cancer radiation treatment
- Insulin - saving the prolonging the lives of 250 million people (and growing) worldwide who suffer from Diabetes
- Artificial kidney machine, knee joint, heart - developed in Canada
- First deep brain stimulation for depression leading to remission
- Toronto Heart Valve - used world wide to replace aortic heart valves
- Worlds first pacemaker defibrillator is implanted
- Discovery of gene that causes Cystic Fibrosis, also genes associated with Lou Gehrig's disease, Muscular Dystrophy
- Elimination of Polio with the Jonas Salk polio vaccine
- Universal Health Care - because sickness doesn't discriminate
Yummy Food:
Other things to be proud of:
- The acceptance of medical grade marijuana. Back in the early 1980's it was prescribed for my brother suffering from cancer but the pharmacy was the street.
- The acceptance of gay/lesbian/transgender/bisexual rights including marriage. Gay marriage rights since 2005
- Sing it loud, Sing it proud - Our national anthem is a true reflection of the people - true, strong and brave
- Our Civil War was basically a bar fight that was led by a drunken and possilby insane W.L. McKenzie and lasted less than an hour. Lovin' last longer than fightin'
- Our music and musicians may not always dominate on the world stage but the best sometimes stay here and enjoy the prosperity and fame of their country. BLUE RODEO! I've spoken many times of my love of Canadian music that comes from the heart and soul instead of manufactured by electronics and the driven by the $
So much more can be added to anyone of these lists. I encourage you to see what else you can find. If you don't agree, I will personally take you on a tour of my small part of Canada and prove it to you. Not that your country isn't good as well ;) but CANADA ROCKS!
Canada's Really Big - Arrogant Worms
But I was pleasantly surprised to see that despite the congestion of bumper to bumper traffic there was still room to carve out dedicated bike lanes. The lanes were already there, it just took a commitment and some paint. Bike sharing seems to be growing in popularity since my last visit several years ago. I shake my head in disgust every time the subject is brought up for the city of Toronto. In 2009, Jarvis Street got dedicated bike lanes and they were well travelled. Then people complained that their commute home took 2 minutes longer and they were removed. The costs involved would blow your mind. Another Rob Ford blunder!
Like it or not, a large percentage of our consumer goods in Canada are at least in part manufactured overseas where labour is cheaper. At the cost of lost jobs, we are able to pay less for products. In the interest of environmental health I am opposed to the uncalculated cost to the health of the planet, shipping consumables from so far away. If I had the financial ability, I would likely shop with more consideration for the labels and country of origin. But of course that poses a whole new problem since often times Made in Canada does not necessary mean exactly that. Several years ago, consumer affairs show Marketplace brought this issue as a a concern to the government. There have been changes made to put some teeth in the legislation.
Product of Canada label will mean that 98% is domestic product and processing and labour are completed nationally as well. So for at least food products we can feel secure.
Made in Canada means that a major transformation to the product was done on Canadian soil. So coconut oil could be made in Canada, even though you won't find coconuts growing in any maple trees in your backyard.
Then we can extend our notion of national pride to our backyard and neighbours with confidence while we ensure the security of jobs.
Immigration is a hot topic for most people but it is very in-your-face in southern Ontario. This area is growing in leaps and bounds and it is disgusting. Green space is gone to new housing developments. From one month to another - a farmers field is plowed over and the corn stalks give way to the billboards touting a new subdivision. Where are all these people coming from? Not other parts of Canada, for the most part. Our borders are wide open and the people paying the price are the hard-working immigrants of a generation ago. Let's face it, all but the native American Indian are immigrants to Canada. But things have changed in the process of immigration. Canada is a big country and we have lots of room for immigration but this area is being raped and razed while our communities are dying a slow death. Like a viscious circle that needs to be broken - more people mean more jobs, more jobs mean more people. The population booms and the working class is not working enough to pay the taxes required to sustain the population in infrastructure, public transit or health care. Just my opinion - don't shoot me. I would like to see other parts of Canada enjoy some of the benefits of immigration.
Then we can extend our notion of national pride to our backyard and neighbours with confidence while we ensure the security of jobs.
Immigration is a hot topic for most people but it is very in-your-face in southern Ontario. This area is growing in leaps and bounds and it is disgusting. Green space is gone to new housing developments. From one month to another - a farmers field is plowed over and the corn stalks give way to the billboards touting a new subdivision. Where are all these people coming from? Not other parts of Canada, for the most part. Our borders are wide open and the people paying the price are the hard-working immigrants of a generation ago. Let's face it, all but the native American Indian are immigrants to Canada. But things have changed in the process of immigration. Canada is a big country and we have lots of room for immigration but this area is being raped and razed while our communities are dying a slow death. Like a viscious circle that needs to be broken - more people mean more jobs, more jobs mean more people. The population booms and the working class is not working enough to pay the taxes required to sustain the population in infrastructure, public transit or health care. Just my opinion - don't shoot me. I would like to see other parts of Canada enjoy some of the benefits of immigration.
"I am Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. The heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind" - John G. Diefenbaker (13th prime minister of Canada)
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