Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Just sorting things out...

Pink Panther From Head to Toe - Doug Goodwin

I am torn between wanting everyone to know about the website because I am so proud of what it has become so far and what I have been able to do and on the other hand I have always been able to remain so private only allowing a privaleged few to penetrate the wall. And I got to choose who and when for the most part. I'm sure people talked but I found overall friends were reluctant to tell "my" story without clearing it with me or keeping it bare bones.

By really putting it out there - I mean going all out. I saw a vehicle with a website on it and thought "Hey, why not?" But there is an answer to that. For starters, even though my picture is on the website, when I am in the car I am the real thing that can be put with it. What if I am having a bad day? Or driving Lydia to work in less than respectable attire? What if I forgot my make-up that morning? I'll constantly be advertising and will always have to be "on". Additionally and perhaps the hardest one for me to wrap myself around. I know that it is mostly people I know who are going to the website but I will be opening it up to neighbours. That would blow my anonymity out of the water. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know, but I do know it would be an adjustment.

Well, now this hasn't helped - lol! I am still unsure. I thought that by writing it would help me to sort things out - as it usually does. Maybe I'll publish and go toss a coin. :)

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