Thursday, November 03, 2011


Carry Me (Like a Fire In Your Heart) - Chris de Burgh

Not a song that is in the style of something the boy typically listens to but I like the message behind it. Even if I am gone I will be with you in your heart. Of course I would like to believe that I was there for both my children when they needed me...and even when they didn't :) 

When I think of the kids growing up, two specific things come to mind. One is having a day all planned out on what I wanted to accomplish and sensing the enthusiasm and innocence in one or both of their tiny faces...dropping it all to go sledding or to play a game. Coming home from work, exhausted and having to get supper started and they have the Monopoly board all ready for me! How can you not scrap all of the other "chores" and oblige them? Those spontaneous activities were some of the best times we shared! The other is talking! There wasn't a subject that was off limits. If it came to mind, we discussed it. And they learned very quickly that there was almost an anonymity when you brought up sensitive subjects in the car, because my eyes had to remain on the road. And the miles that we drove together...long distance and short. I feel very sorry for the families that drive around with movies playing for the kids - effectively detaching them from the family unit. I just can't imagine having missed out on all those intriguing, interesting and sometimes very deep and philosophical conversations with my children. 

So you're wondering when I'll get to the HIM V?

HIM V is something I tried to teach my children and I want to remind them of again today in their early adult years. It was never known by that acronym, but the message was there. In all those car conversations, in the supper routine chats, in the modeling that I displayed in my own actions. 

H - Honesty
Practice honesty always! Not everyone is honest, in fact there are those that are incapable of being truthful. With honesty there needs to be some tact, so if you are going to tell someone your opinion, make sure they are prepared to hear it. Lies have a funny way of coming back and biting you in the butt and it can be very difficult to keep your lies straight. The stress of keeping up appearances can kill you and in the end you have gained nothing. 

I - Integrity
Live your life with Integrity. Regardless of what the "Jones" may be doing around you, always be sure that you can wake up each morning and look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see. People have not been put on the earth for you to use as stepping stones to get where you want - unless you can pick them up and take them with you. Anything we gain at the expense of another is worthless in the long run. 

M - Morality
Understand what is right and wrong - and make decisions that you can live with. I'm not going to tell you what is right and what is wrong for sometimes there is no cut and dry answer and you must decide for yourself. I will also go out on a limb here and say that morality is not necessarily religion based. The church, the state and the people as a whole agree that murder is wrong. But what of abortion? Euthanasia? Think carefully...there was a time when Rosa Parks was chastised for sitting in the wrong seat. What is wrong today could be considered right tomorrow...and vice versa.

V - Values
Decide what is important to you. Set a goal. Go out and achieve it! Not having a clear understanding of what we hold of utmost importance in our life can lead us to spending a considerable amount of our life stuck in neutral and spinning our wheels. Review your values often for what we deem high priority today may not be valid 5 years hence. 

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